cool map like it
cool map
post pics
hay i like your amp pic go J.R.
that is just kevins robot with another one added to it
i messed up it is more games
this diserved to go on here cause it was fun for a 1 day make map
Nice Map I Like It
cool looks good
sorry i waited so long to post but this is vegas is coming out 09 it is about a broke man who gets in to a money making spot gta 4 is so...
a map like the one on the first part of halo 2 it was cool seeing how i played only 3 missions on halo 2
i did not know that you were the macker of this your on my friends list
sweet looking map
sweet map i might dl it later
i have a freind with a map like this but damn this is sweet
is the fence wall tower just for looks or is it usefull pluse it iscool looking
cool map man i will down load it soon never mind i cant it is on that other site not bungie i could if it was on bungie
iv seen this it is just like pwnguinmessiah map
looks fun will download later it is funny how you said what it has it makes you sound like a sales man.once more love the pics.o crap got to go...