I would love to see that part of Campaign as a MM level... I think it is on "The Covenant." The area after the AA Wraith where you go to a...
I lol'd But really Titmar? We better get posting [/JK] That is actually a good system, but I liked the old one, too.
Mehah... JK. I actually have a count down as my homescreen. LOl... 7 Hours, 18 Minutes, and 15 seconds from now... (this is assuming they come...
O... I C Wut they did there Hmmm... didn't think of that, but that makes more sense. They must have been from Meadowlands...
GAhhhhhh! Don't listen to him!!! Actually, that is perfect, but never, ever save as a JPEG. JPEGs are low- quality and are not transparent. You...
My bad... no, JK. I lead that project. We are taking a break. We were all kind of bored, but we are still going to do it eventually. But yes, I...
Ahhh.... I lost my cool waterfall picture. EDIT: Oh, wait. Lol... it's on my other computer... ha.
LOL... sweet man! *xXmooregamesXx hands Project a Graphics Portfolio. Now you just need to fill it out. Lol, you really should. You are looking...
That's not possible. The files fail to transfer if you don't have the maps...
Well, why would you say that? In the vidDoc, it talked about floating them to make structures... How did these maps get out? They aren't from...
We aren't freaking out, they are awesome, so we want to see more (I speak for myself, only)
Ummm... lots of space, hopefully. ;)
I really miss the ranks... :( And is anyone even a GFX Guru or Lesser GFX Monk besides the Mallet yet?
So that is all squared away, but do you want me to teach you how to interlock? You can PM me/ send me an FR and I will try to tell you or show you...
Ummm.... Unlimited Budget Glitch! Yay! Lol... Awesome information, but why did Ash tell you? Are you guys friends or something?
Definitely, but even more so that we get free Bungie Pro!!! Yay!
Wow... how long did that take and please tell me you didn't draw every hair.
I agree. And I know you are trying to blend them in, but aren't these apps to give the site more flare? That's the impression I had. And I really...
Lol... okay. I can't but I am glad you are tweaking it to make it even better. ;)
Lolz... what program did you use? PS?