yeah the weapons on the offense base is fine He means that making double boxes to make a wall of some sort would give it more of an offensive...
Lol the only reason I requested halo 1/2 campaign remakes is cAuse I have one from the halo 2 campaign delta halo Its actually pretty cool but my...
Maybe we could re create maps from previous halo campaigns Idk just a thought
this does look good! the best way to describe this map is what halo striker said "bonerific"
dude I'm see in freakin dozenle That's not even a word Anywho this map looks pretty cool but the drawings have no point and was a waste of...
Re: The Pits(gladiator style map) go read the map post Carnage Then see what's missing from this post That would be everything except the link
while having the bomb placement in the open, hard to get is important Just look at coagulation for example The bomb is in the open but they...
looks really empty and plain I don't know Even just some crates or barriers wouldve helped this out a lot
Oh ok Well like I said before, great detail great map
ok dude, after reading every post on this thread I think u should let this map thread die down a bit Work on the map until it is asthetically...
dude this map is the best map I have played since I've been on this site, I love the train and everywhere you go, you learn something new about...
all he's saying is don't post two times in a row without someone posting in between. Anywho ya I was about to make a maze map based on prison...
this looks so much better than the other one I can't even explain to u how much better it looks
I don't exactly no wats going on here buts its entertaining me I want to watch this"challange" should be entertaining As for the map... I'll...
this map looks really good and looks smooth as can be. ive also had problems with bombpoints coming back after deletion, it really starts to get...
"its obvious god hates me" I can understand why! No I'm kidding but I'm going to wait for goreboinds reveiwto dizownload it because he gives...
Re: Awesome Assault Map first why would u post the map if u knew it was a rule to have them Second if u didnt know it was a rule the the posting...
Re: Awesome Last Stand V.4 map (don't judge by pictures) I'm feeling this map but I'm feeling the Curtis martin pic in your signature even more....
looks cool but I think cover outside the mansion may be lacking a lil Also in the picture, is that guy trying to shoot through that shield door lol
Well don't worry. I don't even know how many maps I've started out trying to make but midway in between change ideas Don't give up. U will get...