Re: Two Towers (With Pictures) Yea. It needs embed pictures, dumby.
Looks very good for a Big Team Battle sort of game. 4/5.
Re: Two Towers (With Pictures) This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your...
Re: Pit Brawl Stop with all of the quotes! My head feels funny.
Re: Pit Brawl Oh ok. Well still from the size of the map itself, I thought it could've been a little bigger like maybe some rooms on the side....
Re: Pit Brawl Yea I was testing this. Only 8 players and the action was still very intense. It still could've had a little bit more on it but...
When the Arbiter killed The Prophet of Truth, I could swear I clapped.
I think its amazing that this is the most popular disscusion here. its always on the front page! And also how about a one shot only vortex gun...
Yes I do: Bungie Press Release.
Bungie just became its own independent company. It even said in the contract that Bungie will continue to make Xbox Games for years to come. And...
Re: Best Video Game Of All Time. (nominations end 03/15/08) I may love Halo and Gears of War.... But I got to go with the classics, Orcarina of...
Re: Boarding Action (My version) Nice. That all I have to say. Nice.
Looks very good I usually like maps like this style. It makes it easier now because of VIP while in Halo 2 it was just choose the president and...
Actually it does, it even says it on it. Have embedded screenshots
Looks good. I like the Middle Tower.
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
Just a smoke bomb could be kind of cool. Maybe a gun that can shoot around corners.
I would suggest removing it or getting it locked until you can get more pics.
Re: Halo 3 Armor Premutations. I dont know. I have them but I forget how.
Re: Bunker Hillv3 That is true voodoo. If it wasnt for the inside, this map wouldnt be all the same.