Ooooo do i have the perfect race map for u then. ill post ittommarow after school or maybe when my paents fall asleep around 2. its a perfect 4...
What do u think makes a race map better? Quality: balanced looks good fun fair gameplay Quanity :lost of checkpoints and alot of turns and alot of...
what they need to dois put corner walls where u can determin the angle of it. i dint think that willbe that hard. and also if a wall corner can be...
it was featured on bungie news or something like and i cliked cand joined.
ive seena map sorta like this on vahalla (i forget the name) with ctf gametype. but i like better his cause its played on flat ground.
are they make the new items to be updated to foundry.
hmmm interesting i wonder if u can do this with other vehicals mixed with a differnt scenery. and i saw a hog in a custom game once where u coulnd...
Re: poll!!!!!!!!!!!!! u know their coming out with a lego indian jones game. i think there pushing there luck wih that game.
Mario FTW! i used mario in melee and ill use him in brawl. he is the best there is no betting him. but im gonna miss the gamecube controler over...
Re: poll!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmm GayloHalo and cockcall of Doodie duty would be a tie for me but ill vote halo 3
Re: BAR FIGHT v2 (Interactive Lobby/ Machinima/ Cops and Robbers) WITH PICS! then what would camo, oversheild and custom powerups make? dookie...
It looks like it would be easy to get off a mongoose and walk to a checkpoint. but thats what i see form looking at the pics. i would have to...
hello welcome im new also. we could be new buddies.
Name: OneNOnly282 likes: Stuff im not good at these intoduction things ill go on about personal stuff and go of topic kinda like im doing now. So...
who has the best time of relesing the ball and where can I see the video?
I got the final ball down. How many other ppl have gotten it?