I would reccomend placing an indestructable object (teleporter) on the upturned vehicle to make it immoble (and cannot be flipped.) You could just...
No... just use that 1. That is the entire point of this glitch. You duplicate the very last one (or in this case, the only one...)
Cottonball sounds exactly like SIdewinder. Sooo many similarites: anything else would be comical without vehicles (vehicle map)...
When I sword lock, I instantly press "B." I usually beat whoever I face... hope that helps
Wow... is TrueDarkFusion, not PureDark. But anyways... I dont see why Grifball is soo big. Its quite boring.
How big is a GU? I want to make a "Foundry" on the computer...
We need a screenshot of 5 gravity lifts! Then I will beleive this. Until then: Phail! EDIT: Ummmmm........ that is scenery. What do you mean?...
I'm sorry, but (I hate when 20 people post "U n33d teh picS!!!!!!!!") you won't get anything from this community if you do not have pics. It is a...
Re: Google Sketchup Yeah, that's what I meant. Does anyone know a conversion for GU's to Feet? EDIT: I will pm anyone willing to help with a...
TDF, obviously Trick, also obviously Shock, for Citadel And IDK the rest... _________________________________________________ Wow... that's b/c...
Looks pretty good, though I have not played it because I don't have enough space to d/l it. Maybe I will once the video is up. Pictures are very...
Yup, congrats on the attention. You deserve it. Definatley.
Re: My Newest Sig Thanks! That should be very helpful...
OMG! This looks good. I have an unrealeased dodgeball map that is identical! How weird is that? I used the deathpit too, but mine has teleporters....
Re: BLARGH! This seems pretty similar to Albatross Hill. Did you try to do this, but add the platform? In my humble opinion, it is not very...
I looked at the face and went "That is in Halo, right?!?!?" This is amazing!
I know this would be sweet, but I want proof- a screenshot or map with say, 9 Open Boxes! PLease
Okay, I know that it is bad, but im not the best photoshopper. What are you gonna do? I just got a cool brush pack for PS (6 :( )so I tested it...
This looks pretty nice, but I don't really understand how the scoring works. Wait... are the points random? So you just have a 1 in whatever...
This really caught my attention. Great post. If it didn't have such fantastic posting, I probabally would not check it out, but I will....