Yea, this does not sound reliable or true at all, maybe a non-drivable vehicle like the truck or forklift? -Donuts
That is most likely because Runescape is an absolutely horrid game... -Donuts
Re: Odyssey- A Conquest Map by L0N3 S0LD13R & I Romath I Its an original remake, I agree to Disagree -Donuts
I have played every Call of Duty games (even the original on computer). You do not have to play the others to understand 4 it is a completely...
Re: Odyssey- A Conquest Map by L0N3 S0LD13R & I Romath I Looks pretty good. I heard you guys talking about it on the shoutbox. I will give it a...
I played this with my friends and had so much freakin fun thanks for this!! -Donuts
Oh COD:4 How I love you so... -Donuts
I was confused by the description I had to download and check it out. It is very interesting that is for sure. -Donuts
It was an awesome game. It won Spike TV's Game Awards game of the year. -Donuts
This will actually help me a lot with the map I am making right now... -Donuts
...well the halo-union one is pretty good -Donuts
Just saw this... First watch the original SNL version: Then watch Halo-unions:...
What is a rats nest varient? That post confused me a lot... -Donuts
Re: [ Vertigo ] Yea, there is already a map named this made by the guilders, and its a pretty unique name... But hey there were already embedded...
Because Crysis is a monster o -Donuts
Whats up toast, Welcome! First thanks for the video it was really good it just some people here are really picky and were not ready for the...
EA Has good instrument replacement. Go to their Rockband warrenty page. They will ship it out to you. For no charge. -Donuts
There was also a Pelican that was just made and posted in the forge maps section that is excellent. -Donuts
I could do without "The Claw" also, it just gets in the way. Majorly in the way. -Donuts
Hmm... I have some good places for hidden objects Im going to have to add that in... -Donuts