reach beta trailer sucks --- 57 bottles of beer on the wall, 57 bottles of beer, Take one down, pass it around, then put up another 9000 90056...
nuke all bottles are dead GAME OVER
dragons are cool, but they get cliche so i'd have to say ground because of rhydon (not perior the ass), nidoking, sandslash, groudon, golem and...
in capitalist USA, politics is dumb --- *dumber
heh, i always have a salamence in my team
in soviet russia backwards things make russia soviet in.
your gf doesnt think, if shes yours
FH STAFF ASSEMBLE!!! /crap will ferrel films, i mean will ferrel films, i mean will ferrel
whiplash sounds hawt.
i hate title change.
love, love, love don't live here anymore
1.take shirt off cos its hot. 2.need a ****. 3.go for a ****. 4.realise that you're naked.
wtffffuuu? --- wtfff?
nope. have they nerfed everything yet? my m95 doesnt seem to be one shotting people anymore, they always end up on 2% health
how do you double post? *swirling vortex face*
especially you
battle arcade makes me lol.
dislike this entire thread
no u.