I love this; it's very complex and clean. The multiple floors are a sure giveaway for awesome winner gameplay. Love how it's symetrical as well....
nono i mean i was just kidding around ^^. If you wanna tell bungie, go ahead, much appreciated! I don't know how to tell them/ too lazy....
Sounds like a plan. Not sure if I'll get recon for this however, and I don't mind all that much since I'm planning on getting it when ODST comes...
I would've had a halogasm if the arm wasn't there. Still winnaarz, no questions asked. You should put a link to your fileshare.
No, I would rather have a new spartan variant that is like the one in halo wars, OR a new color for elite and spartan which has dents and battle...
Well lets hope I keep it for a while :D. I can haz recon armer prris?
[IMG] Chief's gift to women. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details By: sPaG3Tt1 5AwC3 AKA rifte gifle.
Obviously you're new. Simply go to haloscreenshot.net, enter your gamertag, and you'll get your full sized latest pictures, making it very...
I BOUGHT it off Ebay! Geez. Besides, I got a new 360 this Christmas, so it's not dumb and has an extra 40GB. ALSO my old halo I sold for 20...
Sure, if you include my name in some way or whatever.. go ahead. My GT is: sPaG3Tt1 5AwC3, I'll try them. :)
Haha, I imagine it was pretty bad. I got a new one a couple months ago though, and the DL link is working.
You have to be conected online, but you should just be watching by yourself I believe.
Scarab Geo-Merging BACKSTORY Well during the summer, before I got a new 360, my old one was, shall we say... dumb as hell and caused the weidest...
Fusion coils don't work? Then neither does your Halo. Also, that's why you READ the info before you post a comment.
Pictures are a requirement not an option. This should help. You have 24 hours to fix this before a mod beats you up. And locks the thread....
I think it's clear what the best thing about this map is. The cage. It's a halogasm. Seriously, it looks sweeeeeet and could be used really...
:D Love this map, although now that I look at it, I think we could have spent more time with the aesthetics. V2 would be awesome to make, and we...
Wow, I'm actually very impressed. The aesthetics here are smooth and amazing which will in the long run, improve gameplay. The structures of the...
Idea's been done before, but this looks clean, and the format it's in is new. I would have madee a roof, so it doesn't make you look lazy, but...
Well, they'll probably be infracted for not actually trying. Also, big empty maps aren't always what you will call as "simple n' boring"....