Uhhh you do realize that the pics MUST be on the mythic maps and online.. right?
Teamwork? More like turrets :P. Although I will agree it looks good, there's not really much of a concept, except stay put, hoar the turrets....
So that works with all guns? Say right now I have a BR, and I left it like this, it will turn gold after a while?
haha, this is a classic. I didn't know they could deflect like this.
http://www.haloscreenshots.net EDIT:@Krazy Kumquat-lol
I am honestly, very impressed. I love the layout; but I won't recommend you use moveable objects like tiny blocks for cover- they'll disappear if...
I honestly like this map. I would probably get rid of 1 banshee because it looks overpowering. The wraith is kind of cool, I think it's better...
1ToFear, if you're gonna say something like that, actually try to show him how. Hey, this map is not up to forgehub standards, so you know....
Okay, after playing, I've come to a conclusion. The zombies are way too slow, and the 2 pistols inside the starting spot make it the best camping...
I rick roll'd and sent various false links to my friends at school, while we were supposed to be working on a french project. Good stuff. BTW-...
Cool? Check Original? Check The re-set is absolutely ridiculous, although this is mainly a screw around map, couldn't the grav hammer knock some...
Hm, nice to see a remake of, "Helps on the way, right?" Thi\is map generally has all the same concepts, and themes, like team work so I won't...
Now this, looks like a fun conquest map. The only thing that I am unsure of, is the proportion where you have to jump, because I find things like...
It's like almost everytime I see Valhalla on forgehub, it'll just be a bunch of weapons and more vehicles than normal, and possibly some powerups....
seems cool, but I'm junk at jumping around like this. It is fun though, I won't disagree with that.
Campaign-Gemerging scarbhttp://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-discussion/69306-one-messed-up-camapaign.html Multiplayer-Spawning right infront of...
Complex, yet simple? I like the length of this map overall, and it does seem like a worthy challange for me. I would dl, but I can't seem to...
VS- Nothing special 2.5/5 Flames-Not bad, I like the background and the thumbs up were kinda funny 3/5 In space-Wicked sword effect and the...
The only one that interests me really is the first. The others I find to be plain and overused, although I like the ripples of the last one....
Vibrant hero and stardust have nice effects; they make me feel all hippy and grooooooovy.