I meant it as a vehicle... missile pods obviously don't track humans...Or do they?...
I actually find this map interesting. The centre piece is very intersting, and almost looks like a still. The explosion theme is nice, because...
Nice use of merging, everything looks so smooth and it looks like it plays so well. There are so many things you used instead of stairs for...
No, online was never affected too badly, although I remember one time, on sandbox, BTS, I shot a rocket at the elephant, and flipped it over and...
Yeah, but as I explained when missles get knocked away, they will still follow their designated target.
Rockets Pros Not as slow, but still makes you go slower than normal Has a melee Can pick up ammo Cons Can't carry as much ammo as missle pod No...
Closed, just as long as there is more than one entrance into the building.
SUICIDE GRUNTS RUSHING FTW!!! Actually, no. I hate playing as covenant, except for standards sometimes when I get bored, but I'll generally...
Mostly in forge; whenever I get a good idea for something, I always get another one, and I can never decide what to do, and I get lazy and...
You could have just edited the initial post. Map wise, it's not bad aesthetically, I like the carbine towers and the bases, I find their...
saarcasm r duz not work on the internetz lol sadfaic Honestly though, it's not that big of a deal, stop bein so srs. Am I not allowed to crack a...
Also, when ODST comes out, we'll be paying probably 20-30$ for a game, and maps we'll already have. Good thing I was lazy and got the heroic maps...
Soooo it was a boy huh? Are you sure he wasn't just kidding around?...
OHHHH, I thought that they only supported mythic maps, simply because of the name. SOZ, I assumed because I haven't played it yet, and I don't...
Sorry if I said it the wrong way, I honestly did not mean it like that. I'm just saying it's always the same thing, and that this guy introduced...
Nothing new, but still, at least you made it. I can imagine machinima makers might want to use this for a future movie or short. The 2nd pic for...
Lol, fail. His other one is completely different. Again another good bullfighting map. This one is actually pretty astounding from the...
Way to post. Actually attempt to read the post before posting crap. Anyways, this map in my opinion is excellent aesthetically. Seems like a...
I don't see this being able to fit more than 4 people, but this still looks incredibly fun and original. I love the explosion, never been done...
Very nice, is it photoshopped? Otherwise, how did you get that baddass effect?