Map Title: JUNKYARD Zombies! Zombies! Zombies everywhere! Download JUNKYARD Download 28 DAYS LATER Description: This is Junkyard. It's a Map...
Took your advice and actually I meant to do it originally but forgot :0(
Woohoo! 99/100! Thanks bro.
Thanks for the good words fellas
Pics are BUSSID!
Looks pretty decent, giving it a dl now.
Yeah, the sniper rifle itself does spawn in the perch but I didn't place a spawn point in the perch, so you have to fight or sneak your way up...
The risk is that it's fairly easy to just toss a grenade in through the roof or be blown out of the perch by the rockets nearby. But I can also...
Map Title: CRANKSHAFT The gear started turning,and shortly afterwards there was nothing left but flesh and bone. Download CRANKSHAFT...
Thanks for the positive input shadow, you are correct about the sword though. I didn't really place it there strategically,but mainly because I...
Looks cool,DL'n it.
You're definitely right about the aesthetics of the map, I really wanted to make the camp ground more cramped but I ran out of budget and I have...
Do you have a post with pics??
Anybody find that Rocket Launcher yet???
No problem guys, I just need to change it in Forge so sorry it stills says what it did before when you go to download it. Unfortunately I can't...
Re: Concentration Camp Changed from Concentration Camp to Camp De4th. Enjoy.
Re: Concentration Camp I really hope nobody does get offended,considering it's 2008 and this is a Halo 3 forged map. But who knows,maybe there is...
Map Title: Camp De4th You will go in,and you won't come out.......ALIIIIIIIVE! Download Map Description: This is Camp De4th. Once inside the...
Hmm, good question, haven't tried it with a party that size yet,but it ran fine in a FFA with 5 players.
It sure is! I also made a few modifications since I posted this. Added a custom powerup and put that and the camo out in the corridors on a...