This is my new Desktop. Thank you.
I used to play WoW. First of all, being the best isn't everything. and, if you are starting out this late, it would be damn hard to be "the best"...
That is amazing. Please make that into a real poster so I can hang it up in my room.
Agreed. The prepare to drop just sounds epic, and doesn't look out of place.
Well, the RRoD warranty lasts for 3 years. So, if you wanted you could cause the RRoD to happen and send it in for free. What you do, is wrap...
I got the beta 2 days ago. Sniping is epic in this game.
Lol, sure I miss them, but not enough to complain about them And how are you sick of RB2 already? That's what DLC is for.
What are you even talking about. I'm sorry, but they give you 84 more songs with songs like Painkiller, Panic Attack, Battery, and countless...
But, if you lay it down you run a greater risk of it over heating. The heat of it will go downwards and won't circulate well. I wouldn't send your...
I love the drumming on that song. I drum the pattern of it atleast once a day.
The overall belief that these three bands were taken out of RB2 was because Activision secured the rights to the bands at one point. They secured...
But then, a few days later they said that there is a strong possibility that it will ship with the game like they originally planned. Either way,... Pretty flippin' sweet, huh? Can't wait for this game.
This isn't scheduled to come out til winter 2009 or possibly later. There has been wide speculation that Actvision will continue with 2 lines of... This is a trailer for the upcoming Guitar Hero Metallica. you can watch this trailer in GH:WT MoP is...
Unplug your router for a minute or so. then plug it back in, let it sit for a minute, and try then. Otherwise you will have to call whoever made...
If I had a PS3 nothing would stand in my way of getting LBP. That thing looks so kickass
Everyone check the update in OP. It has vids of most every song in the game.
Great news everyone. I went to gamestop today and made some split second decisions. I went to Preorder CoD:WaW and thought to myself "Might as...
Really? I have only heard positive comments about it. Mostly that the things they added into the game fit the WW2 mentality very nicely and that...