Oh, remember that record player? That thing scared the **** out of me everytime. And when he shot his best friend in the face with the shotgun me...
Most people I talked to hated the Strangers, but I thought it was pretty good.
Step Brothers. Every second of that movie had me lmaoing.
Well if you tell me about it then I will just want it more and then buy it before Christmas. I am in a predicament here.
Dammit, all this talk of it is making me want it anymore I wonder if I can wait til Christmas.
You get the gold gun. You also get some little art book with all of the in game art and stuff That art book is the main reason I'm getting the...
Change my mind. Get Fable 2. I want to see as many new worlds as possible, so the more people who have it the more inspiration I will have....
Oh, ok then. That's cool. I have just seen many times when new members make multiple accounts which is highly against the rules. Anyway, enjoy...
I would get Fable 2 because it seems so deep and exciting. However, if you like shooters or playing with groups of friends more than I would say...
First of all, It's nothing personal (I just get mad whenever I hear this), Rock Band did not steal from Guitar Hero. Harmonix are the creators of...
Sorry, Blockbuster was out.
What's the dealio here? You and Brownstain the same person?
Oh, you do...trust me.
Well then good. I will just edit OP
Are the new instruments any good. If I had perfectly fine instruments from RB1, is the upgrade worth it?
Hell, it's better than anything I've ever drawn.
Well, I'm gonna go rent it in about 30 mins, so I will tell you when I get back.
I've heard similar things. People tell me it is just like a more fun and laid back version of GTA4. GTA4 apparently doesn't have easy access to...
Haha, I remember when I first saw this. I laugh everytime I love at 0:56 there is a guy who yells "FROSTING!!!"