yes, two features, but premium>post count, so... he>you... well at least i think that's what he's trying to say.
that is possibly the dumbest thing i've ever heard...
No, you die in both of those places instantly... only emos would like that kind of game...
is there a problem with me if i read the title to the tune of that shitty REM song?... and i doubt this will happen, it's plausible, but unlikely.
find it yourself... or ask gunslinger, he found it.
a lot of the ranks are based around post count, but there are a few that can be gained if you become a trusted member around the site.
There is a secret room for an epic minigame.... shh... i'm not supposed to know.... ...
OMGF h3 forgt t3h sinpar rif13 wut a nub lolololololol wow, normally i would compare HPM to this kid, but in this one instance, i think that...
I liked it, and no, it's not just because i owned a ten man party in FFA, but because it just has this awesome aura around it...
use teleporter braces, here's a vid-tut on how to do it well, SUPER VID LOL
wanna trade? lol, but everyone knew you were going to get it, and i promise i won't be jealous, IF you get me a good tab for pink floyds...
Stop Being So Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
err... i believe you mean New Zealand...
lol sucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksucksuck actually, they're probably not out, but mehh...
yeah, so?
no u...
OMG i could be that australian guy who always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time! lololol nah, i doubt you'll pick me, but hey, it...
Naughty you, double posting, and admitting to bumping your own thread... tsk tsk tsk... the map itself looks good, one of the better avalanche...