do i need any?
Well, the question here seems to be answered, if you need further help, feel free to PM a premium as i'm sure they will be happy to spread their...
well i can't lock or sticky yet, but i can infract, and my other powaz come soon...
dun makes me infrakt u
ah yes, damn americans, screwin with our language...
Yes! Sleeping Beauty Sock Monkey Ftw!
MUST READ The Entire Thread
MUST READ Entrire Thread
My Telephone!
sure, and yes, i made my sig
wow, if tex is able to get away with it i'm going to go make me an intro thread... tomorrow, i'm tired now...
Can i has Reconz? Can i has anything?
hey, can i get a sticky on This topic?
Ok, on one of my rare ventures into the forums i found a diamond in the rough, a smart bungie forum member. This thread shows you an easy...
shotgun? that can't be right...
you forgot one thing that i have repeated many times, no snipers on foundry due to it's size. unless you're like a super special awesome architect...
looks very nice, my only criticism is that MLG tend to stay away from the sniper on foundry map purely because of its size.
wait, if you don't have the Y-cables, are you able to see what you're doing in that tiny window on your computer screen?
as do i good sir, as do i...
n33ds m0ar intrel0x1ng pl0x! nd ur guna n33d 2 ad a lnk if u wnt 2 get sum dlssss lol, nice job, when i get my capture card i may string...