I tried to make an area where you could go and get some cover and chill for a bit, but yes I will admit it does seem a little out of place
First of all, thank you for coming back an telling me how it played. Most people don't do that. Second, I'm very glad it played well. No one going...
Here is how to embed pix into a thread Btw, I'm fairly sure that that invasion screebshot is similar to one that was on Bungie Favorites a while ago
Chill out
Could the couple just want some attention? He might know that the wife cheated but they decided to get some attention from it
That makes no sense whatsoever. She would have to cheat. She is definitely not "faithful" to him lol
First of all it's spelled you're. Second, what does that have to do with leading in any way?
Ardy posted me map thar. Just wanted you to do it cuz your reviews are better than everyone elses, even though yoyos are pretty good as well.
May u review it with your awesome reviewing skittles?
K. ...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/101444-sentry-2.html#post1213201 ;)
Cred twas given to you and the rest who helped in the updated thread. ****, I just realized I spelled millennia wrong in the map description...
A feature is a little much sir, but thanks. I've actually never played Halo CE and never seen Chill Out. Guess I'll have to look up some pix
1. Halo: Reach **** those other games
Just cuz you put 'NOT SPAM' at the top of your post doesn't mean it isn't spam
Get teh ****z onLyne
It's spelled defense, with an s, not a c
I heard from a mod that their won't be.