Forerunner is the best theme their could be; simple, straight, clean, and somewhat neutral
Looks like we got shade turrets:)
Couldn't have said it better myself. Alot of people posting in here don't understand the question I asked.
How about everyone stop saying elite. That has nothing to do with anything
And for those of you who are calling me an 'elitist', have you seen my maps? They are definitely not perfect. Also notice that pre-ghost merged...
Quite the shitload of responses I must say, I am starting to see what you mean, and I guess this question made me sound like somewhat of a...
Coal mining lol. Elitism is a little extreme bro. I enjoy tedious work. I guess I'm the only one that does. I'm sorry if I came off as being an...
First off, chill out. Second, it's not like I'm gonna pass up the options bungie's given us, it's just that forge won't be as fun as it was
I think the building process should be time consuming. I mean, to be honest, I hate ghost merging, it's too easy. Now this, I must say no thanks
Omg I remember playing that lol. Probably the dumbest game evar. That is definitely possible. **** I'll do it if no one will
I knowfor sure that you can't forge on firefight maps
Do you think Reach forge is just too easy? I myself, still prefer Halo 3 to be honest. Reach forge to me will just be way to easy to enjoy. I...
Near the end of the vidoc. Btw, guardian is mine
[IMG] That good sirs, is blackout Also note that I called the possibility of forerunner themed stuff
O my ****ing gawd. Coolest vidoc ever. Ghost merging=phased
That forge vidoc is possibly the coolest thing I've ever seen ViDoc
Is this gonna only be one level?
Sentry No this is not an MLG map, but if you like it I could easily redo it to fit MLG standards.
Have we even seen any elite armor?
**** you win