Ha-lo there! Welcome to thy 4chub. Read the rules and you should be fine here.
There is no snow, rain, clouds, etc. like you mentioned. We have the same FX as we did in Halo 3 with a few more like purple, which is similar to...
Thank you Bungie. This is how Halo 3's system of selecting favorites should have been. No more groups that toss up shitty maps and screenshots
The thing that they get the most is respect. The HubPub is a forum where colored members can discuss upon things that greasy cannot learn about
That little broken dock is a really cool. Everything looks somewhat clean and will have to test this out when ya release it
I'm kinda confused why you locked my thread in off topic
Anenome wouldn't do that. Lock. I guess the only way to know is to ask anenome himself
Prolly mini game. I first look for gameplay, but a map with all three of the characteristics you mentioned would be a map that I would download
Get on
[IMG] Pic of bottom mid [IMG] Pic of side support structure that you can jump on to get to top mid
There's four to the middle area with grass, I thought that'd be plenty is it not?
[IMG] [IMG] I'll be handin this over to the testers guild fairly soon after some tests of me own. Disregard that random teleporter over thar
I don't know if it's possible, but I forgot to select the option that enables you to view what people chose on a poll, and was hoping that you...
K tanks anyway
Thanks for this guys. Great job
inorite I heart old loyal
What is this Sky you speak of?
Chill out orange it's obviously hax Edit: but he is pretty awesome.... :D