Why is grey bad? When done right, it looks sleek, like metal. I enjoy well-done grey. Why does everyone attribute a lack of color to bad things?
Friendly mushroom!!!
WinRar all the way. I downloaded the trial version off the site, and while ever time I pop it open I get a warning stating that its only free for...
So I herd you like shameless bumps for matchmaking? I honestly never got a chance to voice my love for this map; other than the random...
Who... is nibs?
I miss you.
You at work?
A pair of guys running AR+DMR always beats a pair of guys running DMR+DMR. The AR takes out the shields faster than the DMR, and having a buddy to...
Once I get it to the cool-sorta-almost-working stage, sure.
I have been side-tracked, and it is a pain in the ass. You will see eventually, but it basically requires me to start a new round time and time...
Hey, your signature was too tall and was causing issues with the formatting on the forums. I realigned it in a manner that I found appealing, but...
I've got half a sexy-map built. You'll see.
This keeps the AR from being bullshit.
This is a dead page.
One more try...
Get on skype, are-ess-tee wants to talk to you.
Shanon, I sure hope you mean R8. Pegasi, whatever that map is completely nullifies me. Literally, I have played it ten times and have yet to get...
I want the option to turn off bloom. It would end all of the arguments about the DMR/Needler, and cause people to stfu. I want armor abilities to...
Death island is pretty big, yes, but compare it to Infinity. Infinity is two circles, each of which is probably about equal to the size of death...
xbox plx