I only swear every once in a while over live, but it'll be like a quiet ****, or ****, even when my parents aren't around. Most of the time I'll...
Rocket lawn chair? Hm, never heard of it. I'll have to see later. Anyways, aesthetically, the map looks pretty smooth, but I gotta say... it...
Great, I really like the architecture of your map, and also the obstacles this map has to provide. Furthermore, the map is very smooth, and...
OOOH... I recognize this format. An opinion essay? Noice. Anyways, the guide was okay, but I don't think it covered the more important things....
Not worth it. Like... at all. Besides, I've seen the quality of HD render, it's nothing impressive.
The trip mine only explodes early when it hits the ground from a high distance. On the hornet, it could be used like a bombing run. :P But yes,...
Now that's just racist.
Can you use a 2 day freebie? EDIT: Nvm(I assumed that you could). Work at MacDos for a couple hours and buy one. Or just buy a capture card.
I've honestly been waiting so long for someone to make something like this. At first glance, I thought this would be an air fighting map... but...
Yes or no? I myself would love the ability to use equipment like trip mines, power drains, especially on the mongoose passanger since, it has...
Yup, he tripled. If your thread is dying, because none has commented on it, let it be. Maybe it'll come out again, maybe it won't. But posting...
ROFL! This guy is such a fail! Also look at the date HE posted it, and when Dev did. Yeah, I tagged, he'll have the forgehub community beakin'...
I know, I've read the book recently(w1nn4r) and usually they would be "terminated of operations" if in this stage. And I believe that it's when...
1)Mongoose-fast, sexy, good if you have a passanger, funny if you get splatters, and overall the funnest vehicles 2)Banshee-Unbeatable in the...
Ranked: 300ish Social: 700ish Custom: 1300ish Campaign: 60ish Matchmaking will usually consist of big team or double exp weekend. I rarely play...
Why would a computer program need therapy?
Sandbox SWAT, cubed, a couple other sandbox ones, and normal sandbox itself. I honestly HATE normal sandbox layout and it's overpowering weapons....
Happens to me sometimes, but usually all I really have to do is wait a few seconds. Same with matchmaking. It'll say I don't have the maps, and...
Bungie already stated, so some people can get it first.
Fail. :P The map overall, looks very short for a race track map. I think it would have been better made on sandbox, and the race map spirals up...