The Hunt on Dragons V4 (Maximum 10 people) The new dragons has been completely rebuilt, from top to bottom. Yes, I know I've only released...
Thanks, but sadly, my old xbox 360 is ATM broken, haven't fixed it probably won't, so I just got a new one, although I still have it's old hard...
Well said, it's not the mini-game playlist that I wanted, but still, it'll be fun playing not-so-serious games. Just in time for summer :)
Very original map, love the concept of it. Very simple, and that's what I like about it. I'll be sure to download this, good job. The only...
Does the loop-de-loop actually work? If so, I am definetly downloading. This is probably the first race track to have one, I believe. On...
Since when can ODST pick up missle pods? Most of these are really nice, I like the 9th and the last one. It really looks like the hornet is...
So, why didn't you just take an extra 5 minutes to make a roof?... Aestheticly, it's really nice, I like the way everythings merged, everything...
Missing a few things. Like, a description, and a download link. You have a picture, but it should also be bigger, it's hard to tell what it even...
Any kind of coloring or editing software would work. Even paint. Although, I really reccomend photoshop, to get nice effects(e.g like for...
Sometme this fall, the exact date hasn't been made yet.
In H3, Miranda only shoots once with the shotgun, from point blank range. As for the marines with covenant weapons, in theatre mode, they kinda...
Normally, this would be very easy. Infact, so easy it would get boring. But with your addition of the filters, this may definetly work to the...
If you just learned about merging, this is not too bad. Although lots of your wooden flooring should be merged, because unmerged flooring causes...
Am I usually a cheap ass? Yeah, I won't deny that. I know I'll pick it up sometime, otherwise curiosity will kill me, but definetly NOT at this...
Perhaps tone it down with the weapons. 14 BR's are a little bit too much... Aesthetic wise, I really like it. Everything looks very smooth, and...
Firstly, you need a link to the file on the fileshare. Not the fileshare itself. Also, a map like this I suggest needs more pictures, because I...
Overall, I'll say that the map does look pretty solid. I like the cannon and the sniper at the very top, but if the player going up the cannon...
[media] More or less me.
Well, yea I have a job too, but 800MS? Honestly? This is more shitty than RE5 online having to be bought. I'll just wait for the price to...
As he said, it's just to avoid spawn killing. But even then, I think teleporters will be easier to spawn kill with. Why didn't you just have...