Layout wise, it looks excellent. Lot's of things I like about it, like the multiple way to get around. I recommend getting a V2 done with...
Then wouldn't it have made more sense to make it in the sky bubble... Anyways, I've seen the concept used before already, but I like what this...
Part of the challange... it`s partly what makes it hard.
Anyone played Ninja Gaiden 2? The bosses in that game are absolutely ridiculous and unfair. Didn't even finish campaign.
I realize that, I've already built a large obstacle course on sandbox a while ago, that includes vehicles and foot. I didn't focus very much on...
Mongbby Mongbby is an obstacle course, but built solely for the mongoose. It's not nearly as long or difficult as my other obstacle course, Obby,...
That. Is advertising. Don't do that. The link doesn't even work. On topic: The map aesthetically is okay, although you used a lot of fins......
Orly? Problem solved then. A mod should lock this thread then... this thread is gonna get spammed, there's no more answers to this problem.
So what, you're a vampire now?
Provide the actual weapons list, because there are people who have never played Moon Waffle before. You don't need a link to moon waffle, just...
I've played this one already, because I saw it on Halo 3 Forges. They aren't too bad, I mean at least you'll get more downloads this way. My...
did the vampire eat the to you stubbed?
So... does it do that every time you start? If not, then it's probably just a glitch OR you clicked on something without realizing it. Either...
Nope, I got it at 950G. You may lose it, I didn't, but I did lose my security shoulders for some time and then randomly got it back. My friend...
Never even thought about that... I suppose it could work, it sure looks like he's trying to substitute the BR for a hammer!(Good luck with that)
Yah sure, I'd love to see them. Just make sure you give me some credit like.. "Pics taken with sPaG3Tt1 5AwC3's Fail Campaign or something?" I...
I don't play mario kart, but I do know what it's like. Too bad we can't use equipment on mongooses :S. Your map overall, is... well messy....
I suggest photoshopping the ball of light out. Also, I think that the screenie would look better if the gun was down, to emphasize the 'solitude'...
This weapon... [IMG] Also, Spammin' grenades. The reason why we hate the catch skull... [IMG] Link to no.1How you use? Link to no.2SPAM THOSE NADES!
Yea, chrstphrbrnnn didn't make it... Shaddoblade did. That's why it said, created by: shaddoblade. I've actually never seen this before it got...