Not too bad, the lighting is kind of overused, but it works with the map I suppose. The spartan's position is okay, although I'm not so sure why...
THAT. Ruined my day. Honestly, 60$?... Sadfaic. Limited edition is 100$, a new controller is like what, 60 bucks? That plus the normal game is...
Okay, I play tested it a while ago, it's so much fun, but the only problem here really for me is that you really can't see the where the hill is....
"Not pleasent aesthetically?" Give yourself more credit man, from the pics everything looks very smooth, and I like how you made it on avalanche...
Map aesthetically isn't too bad, I like how a lot of the weapons are hanging from the walls. Multi levels are always good, although being on the...
How? He hasn't finished it yet. >.> Also, aesthetically, I will agree that it seems accurate, perhaps make it so that everyone has health and...
Uhh spartan 259? Were there even that many spartans during that time? Or could they possibly be saying spartan 2-59. so he's still a spartan 2,...
So it's not finished yet? Then it shouldn't be in any of these threads other than forge discussion or testers maybe.
Has anyone else noticed the health bar instead of the shields?
FTW!!! Also, I really think that the recon looks ugly on that one guy. Watching the Halo:Reach trailer now.. EDIT: Not as great as I would have...
To be honest, I was actually to a certain degree, afraid of playing the flood levels the first few times. But hell, I was like in grade 5 or...
The roller coaster thing looks sick. I will definetly download that. I've never been a fan of puzzle maps, but I might as well download it....
Ah, I remember the V1, it plays so well, the middle structure created some very interesting firefights. I'm still confused about the tele room,...
Looks fun, I'll have to say that the song is a bit overused... but I suppose I'll try. Is the obstacle course the same every time? And do...
I've noticedd that as well, and I think he keeps his fingers like that, because he shoots with those fingers, and wearing gloves that cover them...
Does it make a REALLY large humming sound that sounds like a tornado is inside of your 360? My new one does that with Fable 2, no matter who's...
If this were to be created, I say there are a few possibilities of story line. 1)Recreate the battle where humanity loses hold of Reach. 2)You...
Why couldn't it be the console? I wants to get the old one fixed soon, it fixed soon and possibly recreate these events. I'll have 2 functioning...
Are you high? I think it's pretty obvious that Falcon punch beats all.
I played it a while ago, with my friends, this is so much fun. I like being the last man standing, and using the mongoose to get away from an...