oh man.
see what i mean klay? these stocks arrrre tooo **** to work with. ive scoured entire photobuckets for stocks and cant find any gudduns
shadow broker is definitely the best. and definitely the hardest of the DLC's. Overlord was kinda tedious because it was sooo clear it was just...
nope, i was like duhhhhhh this sig will suck so i kinda gave up. pretty much what i have been doing for all gfxing. read the notes in the OP, i...
been playing legendary campaign straight for 11 hours inc. lunch, dinner, etc. etc. so actually 7 hours too
its proof its mine and that buddhacrane smells
nahh wifebeatron ftw. [IMG]
a shooting star would have the same effect
yes because john malkovich walks into his own head
i can give you aids for free
you fail. bint.
OH SHI- flr.
im lol. drunk.
you can sex words?
haff no monies for new guitar now....bought a tv instead. lawl. ill get it for xmas.