although initially it looks good from the thumb, its completely disappointing and does not play well at all. there's nothing to it other than the...
picture probably exists....
i dumb, therefore i view.
nice, clean and not a remake. plays quite well too. weapon set could be better though.
there are no man on the internet Added after 2 minutes: reach music is somewhat LOTR...
SHUTUP Krillen!
dun gooooof'd
lies i remember being joined before you... admin changes.... >:|
****ing lol. me and matty did it on day one... well me day minus one. but i was like w/e
extra srs.
camo, what are you eating?? also, blue visors are 4 gheys
they're going to upscale the credits later, thats why its locked atm. derp.
so this the random crap. rst said you should be the guy to talk to to get some coding done. i made this thread a year ago with ideas and ****....
banana is best. its the hardest probably to get looking realistic. the creases in the skin in particular. GJ, but most of your stuff is fantasy
im working on a new map atm, its pretty good, will need vigorous testing.