I've actually already incorporated this glitch into a map that I published a while back. I called the map Camp De4th and I put the Rockets outside...
Re: Gesuido V2 I downloaded it and I can say that this map has a pretty good layout. However this map could have been made great by utilizing...
Hey, I made a concentration camp,but that didn't fly so well,so I had to change the name. Sometimes you don't think things are as bad as others...
Re: Gesuido V2 I downloaded it. Ok?
I think you meant to quote Paralyed King here. I pretty much defended your modification.
Thanks for the good words man, and I didn't realize there were 10 territories. I thought I set up 8. But there is 3 on the roof I...
*EDIT*: Oh Crap! This is actually Paralyzed King, I accidentally forgot to log Creep1ng De4th out before I made this post. This is the gods honest...
He's warned tho, is he a stalker? That would be creepy. A Forgehub stalker. Probly 110 lbs. soaking wet and pimply as hell with a squeaky voice.
I've decided I'm gonna give her a go. Wish me luck.
Sarcasm comes naturally for me :squirrel_evil:
Yeah you're probly right, as long as it's your map I personally see nothing wrong with it.
Call me old fashioned but when I see the name Bridge I expect to see a bridge or a bridge themed map. Otherwise I better brace myself for other...
Thanks for the recommendations but as a future reference I am pretty sure the moderators shy upon promoting other maps inside your thread. Unless...