Oh man, I was expecting something out of the Terminator trilogy. Looks cool though.
*Concern* Looks casual,not competitve.
Good job, but if you are like me the gaps that allow you to see out of the map on the pillar level would drive me nuts. I'm wicked OCD with my...
How can this map be competitive with all of those weapons?
Interesting, may download.
Re: Tarantula Tower Dude, Lights, this looks sick. Came a long way since you showed it to me first, I am impressed by the pics and obviously you...
Re: Favorite Video Game Of All Time. Metal Gear Solid - PS1 The narrative in that game at the time was light years beyond reading text from a 16...
My original Halo 2 name (Dielusionz, a play on delusions) was lost and I couldn't recover it, so I had to come up with something new. My old name...
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season Props to you Gerbil, you did very well.
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season Dude,Lights.....we own. If there is a Grifball team formed out of this,you and I...
Re: ForgeHub Grifball Team proposal for the upcoming season Perhaps the team could be called "Forgehub Premium Members" or something to that...
Whoa! wait.....what's the point of this? What exactly are we hunting? Is there a list of items to find or anything?
I covered this is the main post but the abbreviated version goes like this: I have used all the space on the map,forge won't allow any more items...
Normal respawn time of 30 seconds. I didn't feel the need to change it since the matches are only a minute long anyways.
In my mind, if you understand the rules and the point of the game then there shouldn't even be a thought of assassinating another player when off...
When I popped in a few times on your map while you were making it I put a secret item somewhere that is hard to find....Actually you may never...
Never played Crackdown. Are you saying the design of the level is similar to the final level in crackdown? If so that would be weird.
Thanks for the suggestions,especially about the penalty box. I can't believe I didn't notice that.
I'm pretty sure I set them up. If not I probly made a sacrafice since the map won't allow any more objects on it. CTF,Assault,Territories,and KOTH...
Because the point of the game isn't to kill people,it's to knock them off the table. Fusion Coils and grenades aren't meant to kill the...