Lights man, in my opinion you are one of the most underrated Forgers on this site,amongst a few others. I always like to see a map outside of...
Embed some larger pics and you'll be golden!
Oh nice, I retract my previous statement then,my bad.
Official Theme song for this map. Here's your theme song.....Enjoy!
Terrible The new video posting method is terrible,sorry. Much better and user friendly when you simply had to click one tab to post a video....
Point taken, and from this point on you have my DL and my comment! Also, feel free to check out my maps(shameless self promotion)! I have a few in...
Actually Mallet, the funny thing is I think this is the only map of yours I haven't checked out. I know I have seen all of the maps in your sig,...
I typically download your maps Mallet,and there is nothing here to stop me from doing it again. Good looking work bro.
Ahh, yeah I suggested casual based on the fact that I assumed it was Slayer only. Typically maps with one centralized icon set up for just Slayer...
I like the gate,looks sick. This maybe a casual map however.
Holy mother of wall-of-text-backstories!!! Map looks sick though. Love the pillars and the fact that it has and "Aliens" feel to it. You have my...
Look interesting, but doesn't particularly jump out at me. However I will give you the benefit of the doubt and download it anyway,since it shows...
Sweet! Good times testing this map Matty. The spawn points were my only gripe since it seemed like half the time I spawned and someone spawned...
Tinginho, is he a friend bumping your maps or just a guy that checked out a bunch of your maps and bumped them randomly?
I'm gonna do a forgethrough on this map Matty. Aeron was great in my opinion so whatever you publish I will be checking out. The only downfall...
Looks spiffy. Yeah I said spiffy,wanna fight about it? But seriously, I'm gonna download and if I am impressed I will be back with a long and...
Looks like it has potential, but rather than competitive or aesthetic, I'd go for casual.
Hi, I'm patchworkzombie and the letter of the day is L! Can we think of a word that begins with the letter L? (Creep1ng raises his hand) I CAN I...