Hey bud, welcome to Forgehub! We're glad to have you,but there are a few posting rules that we obide by to make viewing maps more enjoyable. Turn...
This looks like an excellent MLG map Vice. It looks super clean and smooth and I love the design and setup. To me this looks to be as good or...
True, but life is all about options right? Some people might like Flag better. Personally I do,and I liked the 2 flags in 1 spot idea.
Yeah it does. The best part of this map is of the 3 or 4 test games we played two of them lasted 5 or 6 minutes or so,and 2 lasted like 2 minutes....
That I did my friend,and thanks for helping me test. I had the Defenders plant point in the Attackers base and vise versa. It's slightly confusing...
[IMG] Map Title: Crosswise cross·wise (krôswz, krs-) adv. also cross·ways (-wz) So as to be or lie in a cross direction; across: Download...
Whew! Good question my friend. Well, I created this a while back so off the top of my head I can't really remember. Your power weapons on this map...
I'll tell you what, I was intrigued by the description to actually search through your screenshots and see what it looked like. My initial...
Not a new technique, but certainly one of my faves. I'm glad you like it, I spent some serious time on the build, getting the right heights and...
I am happy about that as well my friend. And the new project is done,just gotta do the gametypes. I'll be testing soon so I'll let you know.
LOL,I figured as much. Another thing nobody has mentioned about pic #6 is what's up with that guys arm in the lower/right portion of the pic?
Exactly what I like my friend,exactly what I like. To me there is a big draw to an enclosed map,and to mix something that is 80% enclosed and 20%...
Sweet map my man,I love pics # 6 and #9. 6 is me getting a grenade in the ass, and 9 is hilarious because of that guy that if face down/ass up....
I'll tell you what I'm gonna do,and that's DL this map. Looks like you did an excellent job Snake, keep up the good work.
Ahh, yes. Might I recommend any of the canvas' found here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18 Most notably the Foundry Money...
Red Faction was slick back in the day. This remake looks pretty decent so I will give it a download. Did you use the Griffball Court as the canvas...
Welcome to Forgehub. Things are very different here as compared to Bungie.net. We always welcome new members but we require that you abide by the...
One of my top 5 maps on my hard drive. Plain and simple. Might even be in the top 3. It's just so damn pretty and smooth,I just plain love it. I...
Top notch work as usual Furious. I am 99% sure I downloaded this when you first released it,but I'm going to DL it again just in case. Keep up the...
I didn't mean to discount it, it's definitely impressive and fun to watch,I was just kinda making a joke about Japanese kids that are,for some...