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Xbox Live?
I heard Fable 2 is a letdown, as the world doesn't change much and after 1-2 playthroughs it is boring. FarCry 2 definitely is not the mother of...
Our sigs, they match!
You think the Double-Barrel Shotgun is good? What are you on?
Square Enix? Try Activision or Red Octane or Neversoft. They all three make it. I personally would've liked Iron Maiden more because of their...
Damn. I'm guessing that took alot of practice. I don't have the patience to practice getting that perfect.
Thanks for this. Why didn't you post this in Gaming Discussion? The weapons part seems to be the most useful, as you pointed out a few key facts...
This is what happens to those patients who come without insurance.
Haha, thanks man! I just showed this to my mom and with a few deals on games I was able to get 2 more I wasn't planning on.
I'm not saying it's a bad game, I'm just saying that the game does not appeal to me. I don't play many arcade games, so I am used to a higher...
From what I saw in the trial there is no "goal" in the game. Sure, you build homes and workshops and stuff, but there is no obstacle or challenge....
Go with Gumby's response for the reasons he stated.
Don't worry, whatever it is isn't permanent. It was freezing last night on my friends screen, but now it never does it. Just give it time.
Yeah, I remember hearing about these. They will probably implement them later and are giving people time to get their avatars the way they like...
Oh, another great feature I love is how the notifications have more detail this time around. Like, instead of saying someone invites me to a...
I'm getting really tired of hearing people say the Avatars are a Wii rip off. It's not like avatars are exclusive to the Wii. You see them all...
Glad to see some love for the new dashboard. I hear alot of complaints, but most are hollow. It's new and takes getting used to, but within an...
I never got him to do that. I just made him shake his head back and forth and get all pissed lol.
I don't think a whole topic was needed for this, but yes, it was rather amusing, lol.