Why would you judge a game based on difficulty? Sure, that would be a factor, but it should be minor. You should judge a game based on...
Everyone, keep in mind, every single song except was 100%'d up until about a week ago. The Devil Went Down to Georgia is the last song to be...
XBL nao
I heard Spore got old extremely quickly. It built up so much hype that it would be one of the most revolutionary games ever, and then it...
Did you get my PM?
It's a hard decision between Through the Fire and Flames and The Devil Went Down to Georgia. Here are the note charts of each, you can decide for...
Well first off, they are way too big. The first one is mediocre at best, but I rather like the second, especially the text.
And what is MOTY supposed to stand for?
Right, although Danny could definitely get One if he put his mind to it. He FC'd the Virtuoso pack in like 2 weeks or something, so I'm sure he is...
I saw this on Scorehero about a day ago. I believe that Baseballkid or something like that has FC'd every main setlist song, including TTFAF, correct?
Most people refer to them as distortion pedals.
The drawing itself is just ok, but I like the idea alot.
Do not PM me yet, I wanted to gauge the communities trust in me before I did that. In a few days I will post the voting thread with the 10...
I doubt you would be able to get 8 people for each difficulty here on FH, but I would be glad to go against you on expert.
I was thinking that maybe when I post the voting thread I might ask everyone to send me PMs in order to vote instead of having a poll. The poll...
I know most people don't own a PS3, and so while they may not win, from what I've seen and from what people have told me they are still great...
First of all, I don't think FarCry 2 would be taken off for biased feelings. If Halo 3 came out this year, would it be a bad idea to put it on the...
Left 4 dead is hard to see, but the lancer is pretty good.
It's decent. I don't really like the render though... her face looks out of place.
I think the games are overrated. I like the games, probably all about 8's in my book, but they are not godly like people make them out to be.