Please, GTFO!!! It's people like you that ruin the game.
Source Important stuff is bold Solid details on the first batch of Left 4 Dead downloadable content should be out "shortly," according to...
Well I'm not quite sure what the hell happened, but expert is much harder in the actual game then it was in the demo (I played demo, it was easy)....
I got Left 4 Dead for Christmas and I have basically fell in love with it. However, expert mode is just kicking our asses, and by us I mean...
I've always wanted to read this, but never did in fear of being teased.
The recognized ones on scorehero are not bots. They investigate whenever these things happen, and the 10 FC's that Smitty refers to are all by...
No a poll cannot have 20 items, and frankly, I didn't want to have to look through like 100 pages the day the votes would be tallied, so I used a...
Sarcasm is sometimes almost impossible to detect on the internet through type, and is not as apparent to some people as it is to others. It is...
Hell, I would've let him change it now anyway just because people were bitching about it so much. I just don't see why he would not even confront...
Thank you for not consulting me. Also, if your vote was changed in the poll, you will need to contact me in order for it to count.
Can someone please tell me where it says Frag Man in the sig. I can't find it for the life of me!
You are a relatively new member here, and so I would like to ask you to please stop using the lime green text. I'm not calling you a noob. I'm...
FarCry 2 is a known game around the website and was submitted many times as a nominee. When it came down to it, the people who helped me decide...
Yes. Me. Along with several other people who helped decide which games would be voted upon. What game would you have recommended it replace? Well,...
XBL in like 10?
That "Escalation" picture with the escalator for some reason just pisses me off. It looks way out of place, and like it was specifically designed...
Haha, I went back to GH3 the other night just for kicks... That fretboard was HUGE!!! The new one is so much smaller, or atleast it seems so to...
Many people have wondered why Mirror's edge was not on the list. Sure, it was innovative and fun, but it's not GOTY material. GOTY must meet on...
Ah. I hold down green with my left index, red with left middle finger, yellow with right index, blue with right middle finger, and orange with...
Bad Quality Watch in HD if you can here