wait no! you can do it in normal comments too! but you have to "Go Advanced"
i want sushi now. and Bullet For My Valentine is better...
ohh. when you're starting a new thread, they are right there below the typing box, called "post icons" you just tick which one you want....
what tag? and yes it does work!! well it does for me...
keep in mind, he said aesthetics don't matter. Who cares if its not a pretty map like the F-Hub pros do, as long as it plays well.
http://www.icanhascheezburger.com ^^ WAY BETTER LOLCAT SITE THAN LOLCATS.COM
grr finally fixed lol
yeah i know :\ but otherwise you can see all the sniper bullet trails and stuff, and his weapons flying away.. grr weapons are so annoying when...
lol no im not actually. i was just kidding around gosh gosh GOSH are you excited caboose? what about you emo asian?
got sniped and took a photo of my body falling to the ground.[IMG]
the warranty is probably expired by now.. i got the 360 like 2 years ago. However.. My 360 stopped reading discs just after christmas and i...
lol my baddd, i added you on xbox live btw but now my xbox is broken :/ http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10238
I don't see why there isn't a Sub Forum for this. meh
This Track Is Freakin Awesome!!!!!
ohh sorry lulz, thought you were talking about the cable. you were infact talking about the bit where the cable plugs in
i tried using the original xbox cables AND a VGA xbox cable that connects to my PC monitor that i bought from an electronics store... BOTH DONT...
omg its a girlllllll Ö
Hey guys, I have horrible horrible news. My xbox360 seems to be broken. Was playing Halo, then quit and turned off xbox. Ate a sandwich. Came...
lol whoops.. its .net not .com FIXED!
my older brother has been playing this game for years. I always thought it was stupid, he finally managed to get me to start playing it, and I...