Teh Mastar in progress.. OMGOMGOGMOMGOMGOMGOMGOGM yayayayayay Seriously mate, words can not describe.. :p
lol i would enter if I thought i had a chance... imagine how many hardout uber pro computer graphic designers are out there spending weeks 24/7 to...
lol the guy laughing at the end sounds so funny :'D
same here
Just what I was thinking
great FILMS not movies. i don't know why but films sounds better, lolol ;D
huh? lol
his nipples are glowing.. well not really right position to be nipples but w/e
lol that guy reminds me of my neighbor. In looks, personality, and accent xD
ahhh i dont know :'D which do you think would be the best? EDIT: just do the first one. (not the one i provided the pic for.) whats your...
nah-uh. it was v important >.< unlike peter wentzz
are you a real little person? =]
it has absolutely nothing to do with anything.
screw achievements.. how do i get recon? You can actually unlock it in campaign. Nobody knows how though
When Do You Become A Man? You become a man sometime somewhere somehow somewhen. Sometimes it happens early in people's lives. Other times it...
The Most Intellectually Advanced Conversation of the Century Mattipabermyda says: how did you manage that? I will fight you --->insert name...
lol is it just me or do the brutes look like Mr T? [IMG] Or just: [IMG]
your fixation with fall out boy is... obsessive
name on sig- "Teh Mastar" could you also do one for "Tasco NZ" (im gonna be switching to that account sometime. lol Slogan- none Main colour-...
my demand is more simple... ;D make a signature thingy out of this: [IMG] with teh mastar in cool letters and in perspective across the face of...