I live in New Zealand.. do they have a New Zealand service? lol
maybe if you align the pixels perfectly, and forge a teleporter into the exact spot then set the channel to 11 and walk through it, bungie gives...
lol shame peter ;D my dad's name is peter
lmao-spelt wrong?
again with negativity Nemi :D
true, Cousins of mine live in Hamilton
Auckland.. lol I ain't Jaffa though... WBU?
In the pre-game lobby/custom games lobby picture of Construct, there is a teleporter near where the Sniper spawns on MLG, whats up with that?...
lol i stuck this guy's hammer! pwnd. [IMG]
Hahaha you got it bro!
does anyone find on blackout that when a nade blows up near them the screen flashes orange and fuzzed?
lol niceee sum0 ninja! its Teh Mastar! I think im on your xbl friends list :P
this may be a stupid question... what does IMO mean?
Post videos in this thread that make you sad in a happy kind of way.. that doesn't really make sense so... here are a couple examples:...
lool yeah, i think its just a bit of an improvement from my old sig ;P Street Rep +++++
lol if you didnt want to change the font that would have been fine with me. Looks great and no ones forcing you to make these sweet sigs. I think...
haha i saw that straight away I friggin love it! What you think about maybe taking out the Circle that arcs from the left shoulder down over the...
Bro its absolutey fantastic I'm so happy! lulz and I think you're right about the medals What do you think about the font?
good job on all of them. I like number 2 the most.
I put spike grenade in and it blammed me. Ended up having to put it as LOL nd that worked, its really annoying GRR