Its actually on the back of the hammer, coz I stuck him just as he was swinging at me lol
Rey, did you just have a birthday? I sware you said you were 18 a couple days ago? Happy Birthday! otherwise... iFail
Pshhhhffft... Dual weild Spartan lazer... Or a faster firing, medium range, less powerfull Spartan laser. Kind of like a BR maybe but better.
there were no explosions or equipment or anything nearby so I couldn't really better? lol
Rey, what if someone asks for Recon perm? ;P
I don't see the point in turning off vibration, some one expain?
That's what I thought until I finally gave BJ a go Remember it's actually not a very big change in controller layout, you get used to it very...
a No Scope medal! and MVP based on who gets the best K/D spread NOT the most kills better forging. Somethin so awesome we won't even be able...
lol i found this out for myself about a week ago! all you do is pretty much interlocking objects with yourself.. set place at start-NO...
MLG Team Slayer is really fun!
Ranked Tool of destruction: Battle Rifle Social: Sniper (with BR in 2nd place)
infection gametype was it?
nahh i tried all that. I even tried using VGA cables and still nothing
I was gonna say coz of your rapping skills in the freestyle rap about user above thing... sorry... =(
UPDATE! I just rang Microsoft and spoke to this nice American lady who sounded like Microsoft Anna lol. when I told her my 360's serial number, I...
is that your dad?
I reckon he's like using hand signals to communicate with his squad, before they run out and dominate the red team
lol Tetris is a challenge! this game is still harder lol
I can prove it! these are the game stats