well, it's foundry, supports a few gametypes, has the most effed up name ever (at the moment) and, hopefully, will be the most epic map i ever...
You shall see it in due time good sir, in due time...
Keyes, Outskirts and the Covenant FTW! it's strange, cause i like each one for different reasons. I like Keyes because of the atmosphere and...
a map with so much unnecessary merging that it puts gridlocked and project Z to shame.
looks amazing... as always... lol jks, it's quite amazing how quickly you churn out quality maps blaze, and metallic snake, this is the first map...
Quite the mediocre one good sir, my team lost our football semi-final, but i made major improvements upon my map. I too had some creamed ice.
I am, shall we say, broadening my horizons, as it were. and I know how annoying it is to have people break your map, don't worry about it too...
Why hello there good sir, how does the day be treating you?
Halo CE: Keyes Halo 2: Outskirts or Uprising Halo 3: The Covenant or The Storm
It's definitely a beautiful map, but it's still escapeable. if you use a brute shot to brute shot jump from just beneath the overshiled in this...
I'm going to pretend you didn't just say you raped toochie without me... lol jks, i kid Drawingman, I kid...
hai sexee persun, how iz u?
*flaunts redness* anyway, nice to have you back, now to continuously bug you to come play halo with me at 3 in the morning!
The Question has been answered. Locked.
**** the rules. In no particular order: Furious D 18: as previously stated, possibly the most influential forger ever, unchained broke every...
Most objects would be held in place by the geometry, as far as i know.
The majority of the objects will remain stable. some will move around when touched though.
Forging 101: Merging Movable Objects with Map Geometry It is widely known that forgers are able to merge immovable objects into map geometry...
oh, is ur birfday, h4ppie birday to u!