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Socratic Method Created By Predicide Recommended Players: 6-12 Recommended Gametypes: Conquest Continuing the theme of "first features" on...
i love your grandma like my own
ya know I hadnt played this until the other day in my first Work PLace customs session. Though I didn't know the map, it was still pretty easy to...
congrats on the MM, buddy.
Thread locked. You've had 20 times the amount of time I said you'd receive to get this thread in order. When you feel like following the rules and...
never forge in an open party, man
im beginning to think there is no map, and you just load up forge then go eat a snack or read or something. needs moar progress 1.5/5
hows the map comin?
you got anything tasty cooking on sandbox?
ignorance is bliss, isn't it? Go crawl back into your little hole under a rock, and we'll call you when Cellars v3 is released.
Conquest doesn't have to be on a completely symmetric map. That never has been, and never will be, a prerequisite for conquest. In this particular...
Yes it is. Since you didn't read the description of the map, Pred's intentions, or any other posts in this thread, I'd urge you to go do so now....
thread unlocked. issue resolved. Map was made from scratch. Thanks for the patience
for the best
been 1 hr roughly since mythic.. some people still go by 24 though
Read all the rules and map posting stickies and guidelines. Your post needs to be up to standards within one hour, otherwise it will be locked....
please see my above post.