No you lose absolutely nothing. A simply visit to this site on your device will get you jailbroken easily. No computer required.
@Irony, thanks. Pretty much everything that you suggested was implemented, making this an even better map @cheese, [IMG]
Posted it on xforgery
[IMG] Player Count: 2-6 Supported Gametypes: FFA, Team Slayer, Multi Flag, Team KoTH, Crazy King Recommended gametypes: Team KoTH, Multi...
Get back on I'm gettin ready to post
Wow I wonder why they made such a drastic change to it all of a sudden. I like it more than the beta version
Thanks it works. Man I'm bad a spawns lol
Whenever I try and place some Team Slayer starting points, everything goes good on TS, but whenever I try and play some FFA everyone spawns in...
...because of a sword?
You need some pictures of your map or it will be locked. How to post pictures of your map Cool story, though