Their is still a chance we'll get one and I bet we will. One time an update was posted at like 9 pacific.
Sadly it's been confirmed many times that we cannot forge in FireFight
You know that weekly update times aren't that accurate right?
Here's my guess on how you can make Invasion maps in Forge World: Start up a Forge game on Forge World. Go into monitor and change the gametype to...
I'm not flaming, I'm just simply amazed on how stubborn you are and how you can't accept the fact that I'm right. Stop saying that you need proof...
No **** they're playable on Boneyard and Spire. But where else could you COMPLETELY set up an invasion map? Sure you can re-arrange **** on...
Where else could you? The only large enough option is clearly Forge World
"COMPLETELY SET UP" As in build everything yourself.
K chillout bra
I gotta say mine wins hands down
^worse avatar
Too kewl 4 avatar Best movie scene evar YouTube - oceans twelve laser dance
Lolol rAndomeR
^weird avatar is weird
Can't say Countdown looks amazing, but I do agree Brodellsky that it looks like a James Bond Map. Boardwalk looks pretty sick but it just doesn't...
Is this enough proof for no. 1? [IMG] Hopefully no one else will ask because it's been asked a billion times
Cool. I'll have to look that up. I could care less about spoilers and all that stuff EDIT: Saw the vid, and Glacier looks AMAZING
Firefight isn't forgeable for the billionth time and yes invasion is forgeable on forge world!
I honestly don't see a monitor
Touché Orange, Touché. How did you make it look like you got Reach on the second pic?