Wow. kangaroo. and they hav **** on yutube ;o
Wow, that was good.
lol, were just playin with yeah, have fun here.
wut he said
Thanks, and i edited it before you posted. i know how to do it.
My Top ten Entry Mission: [IMG]
ok thanks,
i could help out next time maybe, maybe help think of themes or something,
i wasnt joining. i was thinking about it.
If you make a video this week, show the persons name more, dont just sweep it rly fast. [spoiler]
Bad text, i can barely read it, and moar blending would be good too
Beware of the contagious Infraction.
not that great, didnt enjoy anything.
nobody does better anime than frag man.
Ill get a good one tonight. then submit it, so dont go votin yet homie dawg
me to man, its ok.
GT:iinoD Map name: Lemonlight Bnet DL: Lemonlight FH link: Lemonlight Review Pl0x.
Yeah, like the fifth thread of the same song.
keegan? last time we were in a party he said he had like, 107 or something.
OXM, its cheap and i get it from gamestop and 711, i like it cause it has like, amaxing game reviews, and every edition has demos ;D