So theoretically, it's the vaginal area. Sounds like a good plan to me, we should co-forge it, if you want that is.
So the objective is to travel to her vaginal area?
I heard you broskiteskis. Gotta show me when dem internets come back up.
Below are 58 wallpapers that you can save and use as your desktop if you wish to do so. [spoiler] [spoiler] There are 20 more wallpapers on the...
Happy Birthday troll. and I don't like your sig, I tried wiping that **** off my screen when I seen it.
Should I add you're new skype account or is your one that I talk to you with okay?
Well, sorry if you thought it was like that. I just haven't talked to you in forever.
So I heard you like Journalist. How's it going dude?
You don't have to do anything on Bungie. The only thing you need for is to retrieve your map from your File Share.
What's up dude?
Skype had originally said you're birthday was today, then Sweeny told me a couple of minutes ago it is the 25th .
I heard you like journalist.
So what happened to your thread that I made for you?
omg its eguitarplaya33!!
gud moderator is gud 5/5
What's up Tesai?
Respond to him, because I know you're talking about him and I got more of a kick out of that thread than you did when he posted that. Thread.
What's the theater called that is right by us? I was planning on going to the movies but I didn't know what was playing and didn't know what it...
I request a lock on this broski.
Want to play Rocket Race later tonight dude?