Is it MLG? More power weapons please... Other than that it looks nice enough.
Congrats on winning the deco contest. I look forward to playing tonight in tgif
It feels empty. Also geogliching could make this map better.
Congrats on winning the decocontest but personally I think the map is to small.
Glad you fixed the post. The map looks good but the wraith is not nessesary. The post is still lacking pics too.
I don't know about featured but the map looks pretty cool. I like the multilevels and the storyline.
I would be happy to be your forgepartner. Make sure i am the right kind of forger you need by checking out my map....
His name is d draw He is crazy and obsessed with saying 4 SHOTED!!!!! I avoided him.
Don't have to. Just surround the box with boxes or stairs. Open boxes and walls don't work.
Try DLing another one. I have never heard of it not working...
Don't double post maps. And the first map seemed a little messy.
Welcome to forgehub! Nice first post but the map seems a little basic. P.S. We like asymetrial maps better.
Nice post and welcome to forgehub! I like how you interlocked and geoglitched on your first map! More cover would be nice in the alleys though....
Nice map. I like the shotgun above the death pit. I would have liked testing it with you but you deleted me. :-( More pics would be nice too.
Sweet guide. Only a dedicated person would be able to type that. You have posting skills. lol :-) P.S. Its called gravity hammer.
There is no point for this. There are many maps greatly interlocked on forgehub. Great post though. Lots of big words. lol :-)
Nowhere they are all senders
Nice Map I loved testing it. BTW the beginning of that song is great!
ONEBOMB IS MUCH MORE FUN WITH THIS MAP. Don't forget to make BR starts for smallerparties I edited the post a little too... Telling this info.