Oh yeah, last night I saw something about Skate 2's demo and I said to my self: "Oh that's cool. I will have to DL that and play it on thurs......
Yeah, I gotta do some things really quickly, so give me like... oh, say a week.
That would be the second best day ever, right behind Vampire Rain's sequel.
And Fallout 3 for shooter '08, don't forget that one!
"Dude, why no Mirror's Edge?"
Oh no, I didn't think of that! We need R&C on the 360!
Haha, I know.
You are the stupidest person I have ever known, and that is saying something.
Battalion Wars 2 was released in select countries in spring of 2008, and is therefore eligible for voting.
Saying kids are the only ones who would play LBP is like saying the only people that play Halo 3 are 18+
Shall we discuss a date that the voting begin?
Good job Lock. I was going to do something like that if this continued.
Damn, lol. Anyway, while this is all very interesting, the main point of the argument is deciding whether or not Fallout 3 is a shooter. I have...
I can't even watch this anymore. People at my school ruined it by saying "and then I jizzed in my pants" in that annoying voice after everything.
Provide examples before simply dismissing someone's rebuttal.
He means dialogue that progresses through a story. And before you get nit picky and say that the dialogue in L4D progresses the story of the...
Games will now be placed into genres as described by the makers of said game. Bethesda describes Fallout 3 as "...an RPG with shooter elements."...
That's exactly what I was thinking.
Fallout 3: Shooter?
I'm debating with myself right now whether to place it on the list. Perhaps I will discuss it with Randle.