Oh, yes, that's what I was planning to do.
Sounds almost like the actual world... Why would I want to do things on my console that I could go and do with people in the actual world?
What? Are you talking about release of the original game or the game being released onto the VC?
I would expect a new console line to pop up within just a few short years if the PS3 died.
The Demo shouldn't be put up. That would be stupid.
Yeah, and I'm sure explosives would be limited enough on spawns that teams could rebuild cover faster than the enemy can destroy it.
I'm positive they wouldn't make everything destructible, especially for objective games where bases are needed. And, there is also ways to rebuild...
I was thinking about that, and wasn't sure what to do. I may not allow them to be on the list. I just have to think for a bit.
Star Fox 64?
I feel the same way. While I did enjoy the game and still play it regularly, it was definitely not worth $180.
It's certainly not a difficult game, but it is fun all the same for me.
Me neither. Something went wrong.
Woah guys, lets keep this thread on topic. I don't want to draw away from this aweso... Oh wtf, talk about whatever the hell you want.
Fable 2 is as good as you make it. The more time you invest in it, the more time you get out of it.
Yes, that is a big concern. I'm sure they could come up with things such as killing someone on the top floor of a building and you can either go...
I saw trailers for this game some time ago. I thought I would take another look at it and saw this trailer:...
How about you send me the 7 mil and I send you back none.
Why would you send me 7 million only to get 4 million back. Your plan is dumb.
I will, don't worry. I'm a skating loon, after all.
No, I mean, I can't No Xbox, remember?