Not a particularly hard song, but good job nonetheless. My ears are bleeding though.
Games like GH and RB aren't necessarily huge XBL games, they were just played alot by people who were online, even if they were playing single player.
Spam in general chat.
Ugh, fine, fine. Oh, and I am cool now because I got infraction!
So, we should probably put up voting threads within the next day or two, ya think?
They've already confirmed #2 being made. It was originally intended to be a trilogy when they made the first.
I am the first non-warned member to post in this thread. I feel so special! No
Want me to find ones similar to the ones you posted in the thread?
Xbox should be back tomorrow! (Tuesday)
Just wondering if there was anything I could help with on the RPG. I'm not too good on the technical stuff, but I'd be happy to do some busy work...
If clipping mask is that hand in the top right, than RaVNz is right, it looks really bad. If it's not, I still think the hand just looks dumb.
Goddammit, again!
Now whenever I see you, I lose the game...
That's really awesome! Mostly because it's just a great stock, but the effects you added are nice. Although, it would be nice if the explosion was...
It's hard to debate between the PS3 and the 360. The really are two completely different systems. The PS3 really seems like a home entertainment...
Oh, good. Glad I could help!
Hmm... I'm not sure how it works on RB drums. On the WT drums you just have to hit the pads at like a rate of 2-3 times per second. If you have...
When the witch kills her victim she will run away and sometimes just find some way to die or she will sit down a cry in another spot. This is to...