The plot, yes. I was just thinking that it was a little too soon to be thinking about movie plans for a game that hasn't even released yet.
Uh... what?
The things he is referring to are part of the work. They can be placed based on where the creator sees fit, and so it is completely viable that he...
I voted for Zerosun's cover. I chose it because I just thought to myself 'Which of these would I most likely see in a store?' His looked very...
I'm leaving soon and I have homework, so I won't be on until later tonight.
I have recreational set as mine, but as far as I can tell it doesn't seem to make much of a difference, or I just don't care about what it does...
We really don't know much about it. I'm waiting for more info and footage to be released, but as of right now it looks like just a rental since it...
I'm almost positive there won't be multiplayer. There could be coop, but I doubt that as well. Please explain.
Here's my entertainment center. (The black space contains a TV, idk why it's so dark) [IMG] And here is my completely awesome Poang chair that I...
Yes, other humans. With little water and supplies, some people will choose to team up with others, while some will be loners and try to take what...
I'm on now.
Alright, let me eat lunch and then I will get on.
In a few minutes...
In a few minutes.
Probably Hulk(2003). Not The Incredible Hulk (2007), the older one. The movie was supposed to kick major ass. It's a gigantic green man running...
Eh, I played the first one and it was alright. This one does look better, and it probably will be, considering that by the time I rented this...
Perhaps you should tell us a little more information. What game(s), if any, are you playing other than Halo 3? What are the requirements to join...
You don't need to justify your skills to someone over the internet. It doesn't matter if you have too much time on your hands or not, just do what...
You'll be out of school by 4:00? I didn't quite understand... Anyway, the absolute latest I could post them would be 5:00, so if you need until...