The Splaser actually works out pretty well, as I have it in the center its quite risky to get it, and its hard to keep people in your sights plus...
is it too late to submit files?
yeah I really needed to open that cave up a little more, I also added alot more cover in around and beneath the towers since you last saw it
trust me buddy there is PLENTY of cover just download it and see, seriously its perfect. I ran out of money anyways. I'll add more pics tommorrow...
SANCTION Finaly finished my map Download HERE Im not really that good at explaining the layout, so i'll let the pictures do the talking =]...
Its working fine for me. Used it just before for my new map
Ofcourse!! Teh Mastar is my mess around account, real GT=Strongside. you've heard of me yes? add me on xbox live and i'll one on one you...
pretty epic video idea, but I really didn't like the song.
cheers buddy =] I know its quite beginner stuff, but I think alot of people on here will appreciate it lol and that MLG stuff is pretty good too
rocket race is alot of fun, but most of the time it pisses me off, theres always one team running around trying to kill everyone, or if you crash...
GT: teh mastar
so i guess he had host and everyone else was lagging horribly? geez, whenever I try to splatter someone, I smash straight into them and they...
I opened this in a new tab, so there is not back button Ö I voted for Z anyways ;) hehe
I didn't really mind the match finding conditions much of a problem, it was the freskin horrible lag that I hated about RBTB. Crappy New...
yeah that probably would have been a better idea =/ I might edit this post later, not now though as I'm in my iPod
These really helped me alot, so I thought I would share with you guys I would say that these are a must read for halo 3 players Halo 3 Bad Habits...
Hey hey, I checked this out today, and I reckon its pretty darn impressive, you obviously put ALOT of work into it, I really loved the floating...