I didn't catch the sarcasm. I'm sorry I came off as stiff and the like, I've been in an angry state all day.
I'm a devout Christian. I'm not trying to change FH, I'm trying to change how people act toward others.
"Just because you're here, doesn't mean you should." I'm sure many, many of you disagree with this, as you view the internet as a place to...
Haha, finally, huh? Congratulations, anyways, and here's looking forward to your clever custom forum title.
Both of you, there was a piece taken from Exacted, but it was taken with his permission. It shouldn't take away from the map that a piece of one...
So this has been your little project! The pictures make it look like it's been worth the wait though, great job with this one Ivory! I'm...
I do believe this man will make quite the Distinguished Gentleman, judging by both his name and his well structure sentences... I welcome you,...
*Quietly sneaks in and hides behind the couch*
The man is a winner of one of the best User-names known to Forgehub.
Nev, you're going down man, always stealing my first posts! Team: El pez de Shlov Dom says Oi LOL Zombie (Albyhouse) G043R -Open- Backup: Nicko2003
Ah, the big project. The one we spent all that time trying to organize a party, just so that you could show me this. Those were good times, good...
..I completely agree with you, this map comes to life in actual game-play. Even with the colorblind(?) effect off this map looks astounding alone,...
^ Haha, how did you possibly beat me to first post, I was with him when he posted this, you First Post Stealer, you! Alby, nice job with this...
Haha, I saw your GT on the user list before and showed a couple of friends - nice name. You're gonna need a nickname so you don't get yourself...
I know, that Dom kid is a jerk. Oh, and thanks Penguin, NOW HE'S AHEAD!
Ack, Sarge - you're tied with me! Your plan must be working! >__>
I was expecting more of an ego-maniacal rant from you Sarge... disappointing. Nemi, G043R and Ivory for Loyal '09, eh?
Sarge doesn't want Loyal, which is exactly why I voted for him and Neverless >__>. Didn't vote for myself though, it seemed too vain.
Congratulations, you just keep moving up the FH ladder. I'll catch up to you, though, just watch me :P.
For your information, good sir, many people on this site have seen Ivory's work ethic, as well have played on this map with Ivory, on both earlier...